Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Why so few entries?

If you notice, the last time I wrote on this blog is April 9, and today is May 30 - that's about two months. Why? We just haven't been blown away by terrific service lately.

There are two examples we'd like to mention, though. The first is Bice ("beach - A"), an Italian Restaurant on 5th Avenue. We had really top notch service there, and the food was great. Of course, we paid through the nose, but hey, it's Fifth Avenue.

The second is the local government, both the City of Naples and the County. Where do they get all these nice, helpful people? Having grown up in the North and spent most of my adult life there, too, this is... delightfully shocking. I'm not exaggerating when I say, I haven't met an unpleasant public servant yet - and recently, especially because of the CAN Ride I'm running, I've dealt quite a lot with different branches of the government.

...Am I trying to curry favor? No. I doubt anyone in the government will find this blog for a few months at least, by which time the CAN Ride will be long over.

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